Happy St. Patrick's Day
Tis the wearin' o' the Green for many and only appropriate that there is a post on Irish Green Men. Here is an interesting article regarding Irish and Scottish Green Men: http://www.kheper.net/topics/mythology/gm.html
Also, this bit of information is out there on the internet:
Friday, November 6th, 2009
The Green Man, also known as the Man in the Tree, is a Druidic icon that represents humanity’s kinship with the woods and the trees, the cycle of birth and renewal, and irrepressible life. Also known as Derg Corra, the Man in the Tree is accompanied by a stag. He is known as the Celtic guardian of Knowledge. The Green Man is a symbol whose existence pre-dates that of Christianity. He is usually shown as a male head formed as a leaf mask.
We can toast the Green Man with "Green Man Imperial Stout" from: http://www.greenmanbrewery.com/history.php quaffed in a Green Man mug from: http://www.zazzle.com/green_man_green_man_green_man_the_sacred_pub_mug-168331564830340161 or Irish Coffee from this Green Man (Old Sage) mug: http://www.cafepress.com/outinthegarden.677570482
and listen to Celtic music from: http://greenmancelticmusic.com/index.html
Happy St. Patrick's Day!