Tuesday, September 23, 2014


As fruits ripen and our harvest is lush and verdant, thoughts turn towards the ripening and the turn towards the cold winter on this vernal equinox.  There is another Green Man related figure -- Mabon that is associated with the vernal equinox and a festival by the name Mabon.  Mabon, according to "The Goddess and the Green Man" (http://www.goddessandgreenman.co.uk/mabon):

is a [sic] festival now named after the the God of Welsh mythology, Mabon. He is the Child of Light and the son of the Earth Mother Goddess,

Here is another link to information on the pagan holiday of Mabon: http://wicca.com/celtic/akasha/mabon.htm

This site states that this festival honors the Green Man: The Druids call this celebration, Mea'n Fo'mhair, and honor the The Green Man, the God of the Forest, by offering libations to trees. Offerings of ciders, wines, herbs and fertilizer are appropriate at this time. Wiccans celebrate the aging Goddess as she passes from Mother to Crone, and her consort the God as he prepares for death and re-birth.

**n.b. - I am not pagan, but hold great respect for the Earth Religion.