Saturday, August 23, 2014

St. Ursanne's Green Man by John Howe

In surfing for new and wonderful Green Man artists and sculptors,  I ran across John Howe, illustrator:  who created the fabulous Green Man below:
2007.06.24 - Saint-Ursanne: Green Man

St. Ursanne, from what I am reading, is a charming, medieval town in Switzerland:Map of Saint-Ursanne, Switzerland
St. Ursanne:

St. Ursanne seems to be  photograph and postcard perfect.  But, I digress.  John Howe's sculpture is amazing as well as his other artwork.  A link to his biography: and an excellent blog post on trees: and his portfolio:

I am so very grateful to discover this artist. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

"I've gnomed him..." --The Green Man

I have always loved gardens and adorable garden gnomes.  There have been several interesting and humorous versions of garden gnomes in the last few years.  The garden gnomes are featured in stories, books, television commercials and shows. 

Interestingly, I ran across a gnome website that has a Green Man gnome:

Although, the site has not been updated since 2011, there is a nice explanation of the Green Man and the Green Man gnome is featured in the photograph above.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Music and the Green Man II

The Green Man by XTC

and my all time favorite by Martin Donnelly:
and another:

Music and the Green Man

Summer sun and summer fun can mesh with the Green Man at the "Green Man Festival" in Wales

Coming up August 14th -17th the following information describes the festival:

With ten entertainment areas in lush Welsh Wilderness, 1500 performers, 24 hour entertainments, comedy, poetry, literature, art & science, fun for 12 and unders and a separate area just for teens, spas, therapies, hot piping showers, luxury camping areas, local ale and cider sipping, all night bonfires, gorgeous selection of locally sourced food over 4 days of festival fun, the award winning Green Man really has got it all.

For more information: